Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sleep Tight

One of the disadvantages of no longer taking sleeping pills is that it gives free rein to my insomnia. Some nights I get to sleep fairly quickly, but some nights not so quickly. Each night of short sleep leads not to sleepiness the following night but to further insomnia, probably because I have operated on adrenalin during the day. But after three or four such nights (and days) I crash.

Hence, no blog last night.

I’m worried that we’re going to see a similar effect when Barack Obama finally becomes President Obama. We all have been obsessing over our “situation” and pinning all our hopes on Obama to lead us out of it. Most of us are running on psychic adrenalin, knowing that we need to be part of the solution, that Obama won’t know what to do if we don’t tell him.

So Obama’s recent outreach to his supporters to meet and send him descriptions of our health care problems has met with fervent response in some areas. But each of us has a different idea of what the final solution should be, and already some constituencies are beginning to peel off, disenchanted with his Cabinet appointments. Many say that they didn’t vote for a third Clinton term.

Will there come a time when we all give up and crash? Or will we manage to calm down and hang in there for the long haul? I don’t know about you, but I’m going to work really hard to bring about the latter.

And then maybe we can all sleep better at night.


RoseBud said...

I am commited to letting our government know that I expect regulation, accountaility and fair and swift punishment for those who think they can still operate as they did in the past. I will insist on a "cap" on greed at the expense of others. And I will fight until my death to make certain that American's don't forget the lesson we learned about "GREED" in 2008.

Dave said...

I think that their are some people who have a unrealistic almost mystical view of Mr Obama and his abilities to solve problems. The same people take his campaign Slogan of "change" and really don't know what Obama wants to Change but their excited none the less. In the end what some people think will change and what Obama can actually change are two different things. And even with a Democratically controlled Congress it is going to be hard to effect major drastic reforms, Democrats more so the the Republicans are a big tent Idea party. And as such their exists a diverse range of ideas and often they don't agree
Bill Clinton, LBJ, Truman, all had Democratic congresses and all wanted Universal Health care and it didn't happen.