Sunday, May 10, 2009

Once more into the breach, I guess

The trouble with a blog is that you often find yourself, not so much with nothing to say as with nothing to say that seems worth saying. Who am I to be telling others how to think about the world? I have enough trouble figuring out what I think myself, without taking on the role of teacher.

If I am to resume posting to this blog, I must find some meaning in it for myself. Writing down my thinking each day helps me know what I really think. Occasionally, I find myself starting to write directly contradictory items. I am sure that I do not always catch these incidents and correct them before they are posted. This is embarrassing, but human.

My worst fear, however, is that I will simply repeat myself, too often having no really new insights into a problem but feeling compelled to say again what I have said before.

I hoped to start more of a conversation, but there have been few comments on my posts. I know this is not because what I say is so insightful and expertly expressed that no one feels the need to add to it. I fear it is because what I say is so obvious to my readers that they don’t want to encourage me. Reality, of course, lies somewhere in between those two extremes.

Despite these fears, I have once again set myself the goal of writing something every night. Only time will tell.


Carl Williams, Wichita said...

Be encouraged. Your thoughts help me sort through my own thoughts. Not to mention, your sensitivities and moral compass represent a lot more people like yourself than you realize.

You are appreciated are your thoughts.
Carl Williams

RoseBud said...

Happy you have made this decision. I comment, but it is usually to agree. Your writing does help me to think more clearly. Often about things, ideas, solutions I hadn't yet contemplated in depth.

I don't have the discipline to do what you are doing, nor do I have the skills. That is why I read. So I guess you could say I am using you :-0)

Dave said...

Not on topic, but what are your thoughts on being a grossly underpaid staffer while your Republican counterparts were drawing triple digit salaries and 20,000 dollar bonuses to boot?