Monday, December 15, 2008

So what?

He admitted it.

President Bush said, in an interview with ABC’s Martha Raddatz, that there were no Al-Qaida cells in Iraq until we invaded.

Then he said, “So what?”

So what? That’s what a snot-nosed kid says when his older brother calls him to account for breaking his favorite toy. That’s what a pimply teenage boy says when his buddies find out he lied about getting to second base with a girl. It’s what a slick wiseguy says when things don’t go the way he said they would and everyone ends up in jail.

It’s not what the leader of the free world says – under any circumstances.

So what?

So what if 4,000 American families are missing a son or daughter, a husband or wife, a father or mother? So what if 100,000 or more Iraqis have died? So what if Al-Qaida is stronger now than it has been since we went into Afghanistan seven long years ago? So what if we’ve wasted those seven years trying to find a military solution to a law enforcement problem?

So what?

My older brother’s answer to that question was nearly always “I’ll show you so what!” before he jumped on me with fists flying.

If only George W. Bush had had an older brother!

So what?


1 comment:

RoseBud said...

Exactly what I thought when I heard the comment. Slightly wordier than what Cheney said
March 19, 2008 marking the fifth aniversary of the Iraq War.

"I think there's a general consensus that we've made major progress, that the surge has worked. That's been a major success," Cheney told ABC News' Martha Raddatz during an exclusive interview in Oman.

When asked how that assessment comports with recent polls that show about two-thirds of Americans say the fight in Iraq is not worth it, Cheney replied, "So?"

"You don't care what the American people think?" Raddatz asked the vice president.

"You can't be blown off course by polls," said Cheney.